Pulmonary Hypertension In Indonesia: Where and How is the Data? What is the Gaps?

Pulmonary Hypertension In Indonesia:

 Where and How is the Data? What is the Gaps?

Pulmonary Hypertention in Indonesia:
Where and how is the Data? What is the Gaps?

Bambang Budi Siswanto
Working Group on Heart Failure and Pulmonary Hypertension
Indonesia Heart Association www.inahf-ph-carmet.org
Department Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Faculty of Universitas Indonesia -
National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita Jakarta Indonesia
Email: bambbs@gmail.com
Geographically Indonesia is the largest archipelago country and the most populated no 4 in
the world. After 72 years as indepence country then since 2014 started the National Health
Coverage. Despite still many infectious disease, the non communicable and new emerging
diseases still found. Indonesia had no exact data about Pulmonary Hypertension because of the
lack participation of doctors and hospitals to joinour national registry: www.ina-registry.org.We
are facing various obstacles. Some concerns that made Pulmonary Hypertension as Diagnostic
and Treatment problem are (1)Poor knowledge about the etiology and pathophysiology of this
abnormality. The etiology are varies but undetected congenital heart disease in the childhood
then came at late stage (Grown Up Congenital Heart Disease) (2) Lack of Diagnostic and
Treatment Facility ( Lung V/Q scan, RHC) (3) Limited Drug Coverability on National Health
Insurance, (4) Expensive PH Drug Cost are the problems that must be solved to improve PH
outcome. However, in the last six years there are signifi cant increases of referall case at PH
clinic at our NCVC Jakarta. The need for PH Clinic / center with good fascilities and expert and
generic PH medication is important. Early detection of congenital heart disease in neonates and
children combined with pediatric surgery is mandatory. We should star the National Registry
on PH and make PH clinic in big province hospital.

Panduan Praktik Klinis Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah

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